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Business requires insight into Equinor's environmental plan for contentious drilling
“The consequences are too big to take the risk of starting oil exploration in an area with a natural diversity that cannot be found anywhere else in the world” — the opponents of Equinor's oil plans in the GAB.
During Equinor's general meeting in Stavanger in May, environmental organisations hung posters against the company's oil business. Photo: Carina Johansen/NTB scanpix Photo: NTB Scanpix
Australian environmentalists demand to see Equinor's new environmental plan for the planned exploration drilling in the Australbukta, but Equinor says no.
September 26, 2019 05:00 – updated 26. Sep. 2019 10:05
In June, Equinor received notice from the Australian Petroleum Authority NOPSEMA that they needed more information on exploration drilling, which is scheduled to commence at the end of the year 2020/2021. Last week, the company delivered an updated environmental plan, but the content is not yet known.
The environment group The Wilderness Society believes the legislation requires the company to disclose the information. The original environmental plan was published, and during a 30-day hearing round, it received over 32,000 responses.
“Equinor has been clear that they want transparency around the process. It is evident that the information is important, otherwise the audit would not have asked for it,” said Peter Owen of The Wilderness Society to NTB.
Press spokesperson Erik Haaland of Equinor told NTB that the company now considers that the updated environmental plan is part of the regulatory process between Equinor and NOPSEMA.
He pointed out that Equinor on his own initiative published the entire draft of the environmental plan before it was submitted. "The consultation process has now been made, and all have been given the opportunity to provide input," he said.
NOPSEMA informs NTB that additional information Equinor provides along the way is not required to be disclosed in accordance with the regulations. However, when the environmental plan is approved, it will be published. It probably happens in mid-November.
More than 10,000 people have demonstrated against Equinor's oil plans this year, according to the Wilderness Society. Surfers have paddled into the sea during the demonstrations and shown posters that say "No Way, NoXWay".
In Norway, too, the plans have been demonstrated against
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